Manufacturer: Costco
Price: $1.00
I first had a taste of churros in Disneyland of all places when I was a kid. And though I can't say it's been a regular staple of my life since then, whenever I have a churro, it's always a treat.
Churros are a latin snack, originating in Spain...and are quite popular here in Souther California thanks to our south of the border neighbors. You can kind of think of it as a latin donut...a long slender donut. The dough is twisted before it is sent into the fryer. And immediately afterwards, it is coated with a generous sprinkling of cinnamon and sugar. Best eaten warm, biting into a churro sends the spices everywhere, so be sure to have a napkin handy.
Costco's churro doesn't stand out on its own, but it gets the job done. Compared to the $1.50 polish dog, the $1.00 churro isn't that much of a deal. But then again, compared to the Costco dogs, what is? If you got a buck to spare though, it's a fantastic snack.
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